Friday, March 20, 2020

School Closure

Our school went on a short spring break on March 11. We were to have a four day weekend and then return for the start of a new grading period.

We never resumed regular school days. The Governor issued an executive order closing schools through March 30th.

On March 16th, we had what we call around here a teacher work day. Teachers were able to go in, clean their rooms, plan for distance learning that would start on the 23rd, and work in Professional Learning Communities. So, it wasn't too bad. There was still some collaborative planning and human interaction.

On Wednesday, March 18th, we were given the option to work from home. I had planned to go into the building in the mornings, deliver instruction from my classroom and then monitor progress from home in the afternoons. That plan was approved.

That same afternoon, the college (where our high school is located) issued a statement that all buildings on their campus would close as of 4:00 on Thursday.

I went in on Thursday, picked up the minimum of materials that I would need to teach the rest of the semester and went home.

I started teaching from home yesterday. We did a little tutorial and practice with the software and just chatted a bit about the entire situation.

I gotta say, I am a person who doesn't like change and needs closure. This abrupt change and ending are very disconcerting to me. I miss my students. 

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